Know Your Numbers
In 2014, I realized my business was failing. It was bleeding money and sucking my energy. My infant daughter barely recognized me, preferring my mother who had become her primary caretaker. I was working sixteen hour days at the studio, coming home exhausted, but laying awake at night trying to figure out how to pay my employees the next day.
For the next year, I devoured all the education I could get my hands on. I knew how to arrange flowers. What I didn’t know was how to run a profitable business. And without the business savvy, I just had a really expensive hobby. By 2015, I’d totally revamped and rebranded my business. By 2016, I’d booked my first six figure wedding. One of the keys to my new-found profitability? My annual planning month.
Maybe you have oodles of creative talent, but the numbers and accounting stuff doesn’t come as easily. Maybe you’re so busy keeping your head above water that you don’t have a plan for actually making this side-gig an income replacement. Maybe you’ve fallen prey to the “objects in motion stay in motion” rule of inertia, and you need to pause and reevaluate where all that motion is taking you.
Sound like you? You need to Know Your Numbers!