Posts in Lifestyle
Writing Marathon: Under the Cover 024

We’re continuing our brand new Zimmerman Podcast miniseries, Sleeping with a Stranger: Under the Cover. In the next few weeks leading up to the release of my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, we’ll be taking a look “under the cover” as I share insider information about the story and process behind my memoir which releases April 7, 2020.

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LifestyleKathryn Joachim
The Call that Changed Everything: Under the Cover 022

We’re continuing our brand new Zimmerman Podcast miniseries, Sleeping with a Stranger: Under the Cover. In the next few weeks leading up to the release of my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, we’ll be taking a look “under the cover” as I share insider information about the story and process behind my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, which releases April 7, 2020. 

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LifestyleKathryn Joachim
Living the Story: Under the Cover 020

We’re continuing our brand new Zimmerman Podcast miniseries, Sleeping with a Stranger: Under the Cover. In the next few weeks leading up to the release of my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, we’ll be taking a look “under the cover” as I share insider information about the story and process behind my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, which releases April 7, 2020.

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LifestyleKathryn Joachim
The Untold Story: Under the Cover 018

In the few weeks leading up to the release of my memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger, we’ll be taking a look “under the cover” as I share insider information about the story and process behind my memoir, which releases April 7, 2020. Zimmerman team member, Rachel interviewed me about the deeply personal and never-before-shared details of my journey through living and writing this memoir. So let’s do this! Let’s go under the cover. 

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LifestyleKathryn Joachim
How to Raise Humans, Not Just Parent Children 009

How do you foster creativity in kids? How can you avoid being a helicopter parent? How do you help nurture kids’ dreams and help grow their confidence and social connections? How can you treat your children like the complex human beings they are from the beginning? We’re covering all of that in this week’s episode of the Zimmerman Podcast. 

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The Surprising Enemy of Productivity 005

On today’s episode we’re talking everything email! I can’t think of anything less sexy to talk, but hear me out: Over the years, I’ve both seen and experienced how much an unruly email inbox can derail an entire day. I truly believe that productivity is won and lost in your inbox. Because how can you get anything done when you’re constantly solving other peoples’ problems? Put your email on “do not disturb,” because I’m telling you exactly how to keep email from derailing your business.

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How the Original Bloomer Built Her Empire 002

One hundred thousand dollars. Doesn’t that number just take your breath away? Have you ever asked someone for a $100,000 loan? I have. It’s how I saved my business from bankruptcy and created a stable, thriving floral and event design business that supported my family of five as we navigated a twin pregnancy, parenting three under three, and a hospitalized husband.

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