Posts tagged house organization
Cracking the Connection Code: How to Ditch the Screens and Show Up for Life 066

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 66! Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 66! Today, we’re talking about some practical tips for ditching screens and creating connection so we can show up for real life. Screen time can be a sore spot for a lot of people, and there’s nothing worse than getting your weekly screen time notification and realizing you’ve spent literal hours each day on your phone. It could leave you wondering, “what am I missing?” So today, we’re going to talk about how we can ditch the screen addiction and show up for our real lives.

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Simplicity Hacks for Better Days 062

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 62! Today, I’m sharing some of my signature hacks for better, simpler days. My therapist once told me I’m an entrepreneur at life, which basically means that I’m always going to look for things to improve, whether it’s in my business, my personal life, or even my kid’s school classrooms! That means that when it comes to daily routines, if something isn’t working, I don’t wait around and ask why, I just make it better! So if you want better days with practical routines that leave you feeling energized and focused instead of frustrated and stressed, this episode is for you!

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How to Cultivate Peace with Household Ceremonies 054

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 54! Today, I’m talking about the importance of cultivating peace with household ceremonies. I’ve spent a good chunk of my career creating beautiful spaces for events and weddings. I carefully arranged flower bouquets and fiddled with every flower, down to the last ranunculus, knowing that small details have a big impact when it comes to sacred experiences like weddings. These days, I apply this same care and intentionality to my own home and life. Today, I’m sharing what I’ve been doing to cultivate peace in my home with daily ceremonies!

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