Posts in Products
The Power of Pinning

The Power of Pinning is a 5 Module course for "non-techy" people, who don't have a ton of time to waste. In 14 days or less, you could have your Business Pinterest profile working for YOU, bringing LOCAL traffic to your blog, website, sales page, or online store. We'll show you step by step how!

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Know Your Numbers

When businesses fail, it’s not because the business owners don’t know their craft, it’s because they don’t know their numbers. Maybe you have oodles of creative talent, but the numbers and accounting stuff doesn’t come as easily. Maybe you’re busy keeping your head above water that you don’t have a plan for actually making this side-gig an income replacement. Maybe you’ve fallen prey to the “objects in motion stay in motion” rule of inertia, and you need to pause and reevaluate where all that motion is taking you. Sound like you?  

You need to Know Your Numbers!

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Products, CoursesKathryn Joachim
The Business Behind the Blooms

With nearly a decade of experience, I’ve helped thousands of floral designers, stylists, and planners transform their businesses from floundering to profitable. The Business Behind the Blooms has attracted wedding professionals from around the world to learn the exact methods I use to continually grow and sustain my six-figure wedding business.

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Products, CoursesKathryn Joachim
Beekeeper's Naturals

Entrepreneurs and moms have a lot in common.

First of all, we’re incredibly hard working. We’re also always tired. So when I find a product that keeps me energized and allows me to be the kind of mom and business owner I want to be, you know I’ve got to share it. 

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