All of Us Are on a Path: Where Are You Headed? 112


Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 112

I’ve held a few titles throughout my career: rental business owner, floral designer, wedding planner, educator, podcaster, public speaker, and best-selling author, just to name a few. But today, when someone asks me what I do for work these days, I respond with the only answer that rings true…

My work is soul work.

The hard part is the stuff I do alone… emancipating myself from past experiences and lingering pain. The easy part is sharing it with you and empowering you to find freedom from your own lingering soul wounds.

I look at the world, at the universe, with both childlike wonder and insatiable curiosity. I am enamored with the human heart.

That’s what I’m hoping to share with you in my most sacred work yet, The Path Back to You.

We’ll spend the next twelve months together as I share what has become a fresh, contemporary vision of ancient faith. I hope I share in a way that resonates. That ultimately leads you to remember who you’ve always been.

Hit play on this podcast episode so we can dive into The Path Back to You. And be on the lookout for this series to continue throughout the year.

Episode 112 Topics:

  • Patience and Growth

  • Divine Timing and Soul Expansion

  • My Newest Series: The Path Back to You


The Path Back to You:

Have you ever had a moment to yourself when you realize that the person you’ve become feels as foreign and uncomfortable as an ill-fitting wool sweater? You don’t even really know how you got here, but you’re in so deep, and you’ve been at it so long, that you’ve built an entire life for that person you’ve become that you no longer recognize and maybe… don’t even like?

That’s what this series, The Path Back to You is all about. Not starting over, but starting again, on a path that will return you to yourself.

For the past few years, I’ve been on this journey of rediscovery, and it has changed everything. So here’s my invitation– learn to feel at home in your skin again. Join me, on The Path Back to You.

Instagram Post mentioned in the episode:

My book, Sleeping with a Stranger:

My TED talk: