REPARENTING YOUR INNER CHILD: Compassion for Yourself and Those Who Raised You 130


Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 130

Reparenting your inner child is one of the most powerful tools for healing we have in our toolbox. 

What do I mean by “reparenting?” 

What do I mean by “inner child?”

Some of you may be familiar with these ideas, and some of you maybe not so much. 

In simple terms, your inner child is the part of your psyche that is vulnerable, needy, sensitive, and also joyful, exuberant, and honest. Most of us shove aside our childlike tendencies in adolescence to become “mature adults,” only to later realize that connecting to our inner child helps us experience the fullness of life to a greater degree. 

Growing up forces us to put on the armor of adulthood. Growing wise means we start dismantling that armor, piece by piece. 

In order to connect with the gifts of living out of your inner child, you first have to do the hard work of reparenting your inner child. Let’s get into what that hard work entails in today’s podcast.


  • Reparenting is a way of looking at yourself and the people who raised you with compassion, or at least acceptance.

  • Even with wonderful, available, and well-intentioned parents, each person still has a wounded inner child that needs to be tended to and needs to be reparented.

  • You will continue to attract the same experiences over and over again and fail in your romantic life until you address your inner child.


The Path Back to You:

When you feel like you're losing your mind, I’m here to help you restore your soul.

In “The Path Back to You” I share with you my own personal story of struggle, trauma, etc. as a sacred offering. My hope is that through my story, you can better see yourself. I share with you my darkest moments and the steps I took to find my light– the light I had dimmed for most of my life.

Throughout all the heartache I’ve endured, I’ve finally found peace. And I want to share my roadmap with you.

Just for my podcast listeners, use code PATH15 for 15% off.

Join me on The Path Back to You here:

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My Best Selling Memoir, Sleeping with a Stranger: