Following the Stars Part Three: Staying in Comfort or Choosing Growth 104


Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 104

If you have listened to the past couple of podcast episodes, you know back in October 2022 I released a blog series called Following the Stars.  This week, I am sharing that series with you here on Zimmerman Podcast.  This is Following the Stars Part Three:  Staying in Comfort or Choosing Growth.

Hit play on this podcast episode so we can dive into part three, and be on the lookout for part four of the series tomorrow.

Episode 104 Topics:

  • The one part of my natal chart that changed every aspect of my life

  • The meanings behind north node and south node

  • How accessing my north node led me to next steps, closer to my true purpose, the opposite of what I had grown comfortable with for years


To follow along, head to the Following the Stars Part Three:  Staying in Comfort or Choosing Growth blog post here: 

The Bible is another tool God gave us, but it isn’t where the story ends. It continues in us and in the world each day. (If this is a topic that interests you as much as it interests me, check out this book. Please buy it. Please read it. It’s a great (and funny!) read:

By identifying our south nodes, we can become more aware of repeated patterns, and then we can choose when and how to step into those growth areas. If you want to read more about that, you can check out that article here:,re%20learning%20in%20this%20lifetime

Art on thumbnail by:  Anna Sun Art: