Posts tagged energy
EXCHANGING EGO FOR SOUL: Listening for Soul Messages from the Spiritual World 123

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 123. Have you ever been going about your day, doing something totally normal like getting groceries, logging into your email, picking your kids up from school, or going on a hike, and something happens that stops you in your tracks… some little coincidence or a moment of deja vu, or a text from a long lost friend you just had a dream about the night before?

I think most of us have.

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EXCHANGING EGO FOR SOUL: What Does True Soul Freedom Look Like? 122

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 122. This week, we’re going to talk about what soul freedom looks like. 

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EXCHANGING EGO FOR SOUL: How to Remember Who We Are 121

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 121. My kids recently lost their great grandfather. It was an open casket. Before the visitation, I told my kids that even though they’d be looking at their great grandfather’s body, his soul was not there.  Have you ever noticed that the body never really looks like the person did in life? There are many reasons for this, but the most important one, to me, is that a body isn’t really anything without a soul. 

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EMBRACING DARKNESS AND UNPACKING GRIEF: Mourning the Life We Thought We'd Live 120

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 120. Sometimes, whether slowly or all at once, you realize that your life is not and will never be what you thought it would be. Even if it is more beautiful than you thought possible, even if you are more fulfilled than you could have imagined, even if you wouldn’t take that first dream life back for all the money in the world, you eventually need to grieve the life you fought so hard for… the life you’ll never have and maybe never had.  

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EMBRACING DARKNESS AND UNPACKING GRIEF: Finding the Unexpected Gifts in Trauma 119

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 119. I remember when Brian and I moved to Nashville after our year of traveling the country in an Airstream, and I was convinced that putting down new roots in a new city would be the final step in our healing journey. Both individually and together. I thought Brian would finally be able to meet new friends, get excited about getting a job, we could go on dates to places we've never been before, and enjoy the culture of a big city. There was nothing I wouldn’t do to help us move forward. I just didn’t realize at the time that the one thing I couldn’t do was move Brian forward with me. And I tried. 

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Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 118. In order for something to grow, it first has to be pruned. If you’ve ever lived in the south, you’ve seen Crepe Myrtle trees surrounding houses and lining neighborhood streets in cities all over the place. There is nothing more jarring than seeing a Crepe Myrtle in springtime. They prune back those trees so much it’s hard to believe they’ll ever produce growth again. And yet every year, they come back bigger and more beautiful than ever before. And if they hadn’t been pruned, they’d be weak, scrawny, and more susceptible to damage.  The same is true with us.

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Embracing Darkness and Unpacking Grief: The Bright Side of Shadow Work 117

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 117. For the first four weeks of The Path Back to You, we focused on energy, digging into what it looks like to raise our vibrations. Now, I bet I can guess what’s happened since you’ve started that journey. Sh*t got hard. Really hard. We have the phrase “growing pains” for a reason.

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What Happens When Energy Gets Stuck 116

Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 116. Energy can get locked (and unlocked) in our bodies, and the physical places where this tends to happen relates to where chakras are located. If this feels scary, remember that we all do this all the time, just with more comfortable language. When something sad happens, you might say that your heart is broken, even though that the brain and nervous system is in charge of pain perception, not the heart.

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