Embracing Darkness and Unpacking Grief: The Bright Side of Shadow Work 117


Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 117

For the first four weeks of The Path Back to You, we focused on energy, digging into what it looks like to raise our vibrations. Now, I bet I can guess what’s happened since you’ve started that journey.

Sh*t got hard. Really hard.

We have the phrase “growing pains” for a reason.

When you start growing, everything gets harder before it gets easier. You’ve decided to wake up to yourself, which means casting off all the old coping mechanisms and numbing techniques you’ve used to get through hard things in the past.

You know what I mean. The mindless scrolling. The hours of reality TV. The binge eating. The restrictions that help you feel like you can control something. Anything. The anger. The resentment. The isolation. The overpacked schedule.

Evolving requires a lot of dissolving of old energy, old mindsets, old truths. Embracing the new you means doing the hard work in a new way.

It means instead of distracting ourselves from the darkness, we have to look at it full in the face.
Because only through embracing the coming darkness can we uncover our light.

In today's podcast, you'll find out what is the bright side of shadow work.


  • Why shadow work is like a hallway

  • When I reached rock bottom, I did something I never thought I’d do

  • Going into the darkness to find the light


The Path Back to You:

When you feel like you're losing your mind, I’m here to help you restore your soul.

In “The Path Back to You” I share with you my own personal story of struggle, trauma, etc. as a sacred offering. My hope is that through my story, you can better see yourself. I share with you my darkest moments and the steps I took to find my light– the light I had dimmed for most of my life.

Throughout all the heartache I’ve endured, I’ve finally found peace. And I want to share my roadmap with you.

Just for my podcast listeners, use code PATH15 for 15% off.

Join me on The Path Back to You here: