Taking a Pause for an Important Cause 055


Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 55.

I’ll be honest. I have so many thoughts and feelings, words I want to say about the current state of racism in our country. When I get passionate, I share. It’s just what I do.

But instead of posting a new Zimmerman Podcast episode today, where I’d inevitably let my passion and desire to empower and enact change run the conversation, I’m going to quiet my own voice and instead share the podcasts, resources, and actions that have been helpful as I begin the long overdue work of supporting the Black Lives Matter cause.

Podcasts to listen to and support

other resources & ways to donate and support

We don’t have to be perfect, but we do have to act, speak, and listen the best ways we know how. Let’s get to work!

Click play below to hear the whole episode.