Uncovering Divine Femininity Part One: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies 107


Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 107

I am so excited about this week and about what I am going to be sharing each day on the podcast. I recently published a brand new series on the blog at jessicazimmerman.com, and I am so very proud of this series — Uncovering Divine Femininity.

f you see the first blog you think, “man, I’m going to need a little time for this.” I understand being a busy mom of three, and life being very full that sometimes the only time we have to consume the content we want to is through a podcast. So I thought I definitely need to record this series for those who don’t have time to sit and read every word. And today is the day!

The work I do is soul work. If I’m doing my job right, I am sharing experiences as truthfully as possible in a way that emancipates me from them while hopefully powering you through them. I am incredible proud of this series. This has been the most difficult time I’ve ever had getting a project to the finish line, but with the help of my incredible team, we did it. I hope you will take the time today to either read the series yourself at jessicazimmerman.com/uncovering-divine-femininity or listen to today’s podcast because it really is worth it. I as always want to thank you for being invested in my journey. It is an honor to continue sharing my story with you.

Episode 107 Topics:

  • Masculine and Feminine energy has absolutely nothing to do with your gender, your sexual preference, etc. It’s just energy. And every single human embodies both because we were created from both. You will identify as either a Core Feminine or a Core Masculine, no matter what your gender or sexual preference. This energy framework gives language and understanding to how our heads and hearts, souls and bodies, ego and actualized selves can interact and come into balance.

  • The Masculine’s Core Wound and the Feminine’s Core Wound

  • The moment when Brian and I realized that we needed to separate


To follow along, head to the Uncovering Divine Femininity: The Truth and Relief in Discovering the Masculine and Feminine Energies Part One blog post here: https://jessicazimmerman.com/blog/uncovering-divine-femininity-the-truth-and-relief-in-discovering-the-masculine-and-feminine-energies

Following the Stars Podcast Episodes:

  • 102

  • 103

  • 104 In this episode I shared how the most life-altering piece of information I received during my deep dive into astrology

  • 105

  • 106

Understand Women Better by Lorin Krenn: https://rstyle.me/+Y9L9q0dBv2MH8M2PvKSNPw

My book, Sleeping with a Stranger: https://jessicazimmerman.com/sleeping-with-a-stranger

My TED talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z_ax0vCBUw