How to Actually Take Action When Your Gut Tells You to Move On with Kelsey Murphy 096
Welcome to Zimmerman Podcast Episode 96
Guess who’s back? It’s Kelsey Murphy!
Kelsey is a present mom, a boundaried businesswoman, and an incredible career and life coach to women everywhere.
If you listened to episode 64, you know that Kelsey and I are total soul sisters and I could not be more excited to share MORE of Kelsey and her wisdom with you today.
I somehow love this episode even more than the last one if that’s possible.
Kelsey is sharing why being a mom and working isn’t an either-or scenario, how to let your yesses be yesses and your nos be HELL NOS, and what it looks like to turn a side-hustle into a full-time business.
Episode 96 topics:
How to know when it’s time to quit that “dream job” that’s turned into a nightmare
Why burning out isn’t failing… just a learning opportunity
Why action is the best teacher
How dissatisfaction and frustration in life and work can be a version of preparation for your future
How to trust yourself and know when it’s time to leave a job-- and set parameters for taking action
It’s a great episode, and Kelsey has so much good to share! Click play below to hear the whole thing.
My favorite products and resources from Episode 96
A Winning Website
Want to know the first step to booking more clients? You’ve got to have a website!
And not just any website, but a site built to book! If you’re just starting your business, you’re probably wondering how you can share about your work, gain clients, and start making money.
The answer to all of these is your website.
When I first started my business, I didn’t have the money to pay a professional brand expert to create the brand you see here today. But I didn’t have to. I used the resources I had to invest in my business and create a brand that would attract the type of client I wanted to work with, supported by a website that was built to transform searching brides into life-long clients.
If you want a simple guide on how to create a site that books without having to invest thousands in a branding expert before you’re ready, you need A Winning Website!
To learn more, go to
Want to know the first step to booking more clients?
You’ve got to have a website!
Know Your Numbers
If you want to build a great business or live a good life, you’ve gotta plan for it! If you want to become the person you need to be to build the business of your dreams, that takes intention and purpose.
Every year, I take a whole month to reevaluate the past 12 months and figure out what worked, what didn’t, and how I can create a life I love for the following year.
I teach you my exact planning process in my program Know Your Numbers: Annual Planning for Your Best Year.
If you want a free training to get some tips on planning your best year yet, go to
Know Your Numbers: Annual Planning for Your Best Year
If you want a free training to get some tips on planning your best year yet, click below.